It is important to get your pet vaccinated to ensure they are fully protected from protential diseases, which may prove fatal.
Dogs should be vaccinated against such diseases as Parvovirus, Distemper, Parainfluenza, Canine Infections Hepatitis and Leptospirosis.
We provide a primary course of vaccinations for your puppy, which includes 2 vaccinations within a 4 week period.

Your pups maternal antibody will start to reduce from 6 weeks old. The 1st vaccination is recommended to be given at 8 weeks old and then the 2nd vaccination at 12 weeks old, as this is the optimun time for vaccination.
Once they have had the primary course of vaccinations, you will need to keep the course going with an annual booster.
If your dog is going into kennels, they should be vaccinated against trach eobronchitis, more commonly know as Kennel Cough.
Please note, the Kennel Cough injection will need to be given 2 weeks before putting your dog into kennels.
If your dog is pregnant, it is recommended to give your dog a Herpes Vaccination. Immunisation given to prevent morality, clinical signs and lesions in puppies resulting from canine herpes virus infections aquired in the first few days of life through passive immunity.
The 1st vaccine is given either during her season or 7-10days of presumed mating and the 2nd vaccine is given 1-2 weeks before whelping.
If you are planning on taking your dog abroad, you will need to get the Rabies Vaccine, this can be done from 12 weeks old and will need to be given 21 days before travel.
We do stock a variety of vaccinations at the surgery, if you require a certain vaccine, please phone reception to ensure that we have the vaccine in stock when booking your appointment.
Cats will need to be vaccinated against such diseases as Enteritis, Cat flu and Feline Leukaemia.
The primary course of vaccinations for a kitten is recommended to be given from 9 weeks old for the 1st vaccination and 12 weeks old for the 2nd vaccination and again followed up with an annual booster.
Rabbits should be vaccinated against Myxomatosis and Viral Haemorrhagic Disease from 12 weeks old and the 2nd vaccination 2 weeks after, which should also be followed up by an annual booster.
If you are late with the annual booster, you may have to restart the primary course to get your pet back on track with their vaccinations and protection.