
Tail Docking

S.T.Stead is one of the very few in Yorkshire, who will provide dog breeders with this service, but strict conditions do apply.

Tail Docking is available at S.T.Stead for working dogs only. This is only acceptable for certain working dog breeds and you will need to provide evidence that they will be used for working purposes, this would include a letter from the land owner or gamekeeper or a shotgun lisence.

We charge £50.00 per puppy for litters with 4 or less, £45.00 for litters of 5-9 and £40.00 for litters with 10 or more pups. This will include, docking and removal of dew claws, microchips and certificates.

Please note, it is illegal to tail dock puppies who are over 3 days old. You will need to phone the surgery to book an appointment as soon as all pups have been born and we will need notice to ensure that all the correction documentation has been prepared.

It is also a legal requirement that the vet who docked the pups will also be the person to microchip the pups. You will be given the certificates and microchips at the appointment to bring back with you at your next appointment.

Tail docking is for working, hunting dogs and gun dogs, it is to help prevent tail damage. Docking is a perfectly humane procedure when properly carried out, and one, which prevents far more distress than it causes.

The Animal Welfare Acts came into force in Wales on 31st March 2007, England on 6th April 2007 and Scotland from 30th April 2007.

For all advice, please contact reception, we are happy to help with any further questions you may have.

Useful Information

British Association for Shooting and Conservation

BASC advice page

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